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Vacation Rentals in Tahoe - Updated 3/9/2022

Writer's picture: Kili RahbeckKili Rahbeck

City of South Lake Tahoe: Click HERE for a map of what is considered the City of South Lake Tahoe. In 2018, the City of South Lake Tahoe passed Measure T. Measure T was to ban all existing vacation rentals (under 30-days) by the end of 2021. As vacation rental permits expire in 2021, they will NOT be eligible for renewals. Rentals are still allowed in the City of South Lake Tahoe as long as they are 30-days+. Any rental over 30 days is considered a long-term rental.


County of South Lake Tahoe (El Dorado County): Click HERE for a map of what is considered the County of South Lake Tahoe. Currently the ordinance for vacation rentals in the unincorporated area of South Lake Tahoe is as follows: – MAX allowed vacation rentals is 900 (cap has been reached) and about 95 homes currently on the waitlist. – They are implementing a buffer zone around VHR’s to get rid of ‘clustering.’ There will be a 500 ft. buffer around vacation rentals, going into effect October 1, 2021. Click HERE for information on the buffer – Click HERE for more information on the El Dorado County Vacation Rental Program.


Douglas County: Douglas County is located on the south and east shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada. The ordinance is being changed and they are trying to figure out what works best for the County. Currently the ordinance for vacation rentals in Douglas County is as follows: – MAX allowed vacation rentals is 600. On July 15, 2021, United States District Court Judge Robert C. Jones issued a temporary restraining order against Douglas County to restrain it from implementing portions of the County’s new Vacation Home Rental (VHR) regulations, Ordinance Number 2021-1582, pending the trial of the case. The Temporary Restraining Order narrowly impacts certain parts of the new ordinance until such time as a final determination can be made regarding the constitutionality of the ordinance. SEE ATTACHED DOC for more information – Click HERE for more information on the Douglas County Vacation Rental Program


Washoe County: Washoe County is located on the northeast shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada. Full enforcement of the new ordinance will begin August 1, 2021. – Limit of 1 VHR permit per parcel – Click HERE for more information on the Washoe County Vacation Rental Program.


Placer County: Placer County is located on the northwest shore of Lake Tahoe in California. The STR permit renewal process will begin on April 1, 2022. Placer County’s STR application website is in the process of being updated to address issues and provide a user friendly experience. During this transition, no STR permit applications will be processed between March 18 and March 31, 2022. There will be a cap of 3,800 permits allowed within Placer County. STR applications ARE transferrable to new owners allowing for a new owner to take over the ability to vacation rent their homes if the previous Permit # & TOT # is in good standing with Placer County. – Click HERE for more information on the Placer County Vacation Rental Program. On the February 8, 2022 Town Council Meeting staff presented on the Short-Term Rental program study and recommendations for ordinance updates. Click on the link below to read the staff recommendations for caps, phasing out of permits, and more! – Click HERE for more information on the Town of Truckee Vacation Rental Program.

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